Guest Speaker
Development Staff Retreat
RWJ Barnabas Health
Galloping Hill Golf Course, Kenilworth, NJ 07033
Friday, November 18, 2016
Show Me The Money: An Overview of Resources to Identify & Profile Prospects
Do you need more information about the giving capacity or philanthropic profile of a prospect you are going to see? Do you wonder which prospects from your various lists you should prioritize for a major gift? Do you wish you knew how to keep up with the latest news about your top prospects? Would you like contact information for more people in your area to invite to a golf outing or charity event? If so, this session is for you. During the workshop, we will access real websites and databases to find out information about actual prospects.
You will learn to:
How prospect research can maximize your time and help you develop your ask
Beyond Google: which research tools and databases to use for the info you need
Tips for accuracy
What you can’t find out
How to protect donor privacy