Navigating the Future of Philanthropy, The Giving Institute Summer Symposium
The Giving Institute
Charleston, South Carolina
Saturday, July 14, 2018
As a business leader, you need to work ON your business by making strategic choices, not just IN it. Future-proofing your business entails the never-ending process of continuous improvement, based on long term thinking and fueled by an appetite to be a learning organization. While it is exhausting and sometimes feel like you need a crystal ball, the reward is a nimbler, more resilient business that will stand the test of time. Giving Institute members will share their tactics for shoring up their businesses against the tides of fate.
Kate Roosevelt, Executive Vice President Campbell & Company
Aly Sterling, President, Aly Sterling Philanthropy
Poonam Prasad, President, Prasad Consulting
Click here to learn more about the Giving Institute and the Summer Symposium