Workshops & Events 2000
Luncheon Speaker
Research in the 21st Century: New Technologies, New Challenges
Women in Development, New York (WID) Luncheon
Princeton Club, New York, NY
December 4, 2000, 12:00noon– 2:00pm
Join us on Monday, December 4th when Poonam Prasad, a research consultant who brings cutting-edge skills to nonprofits, guides you through this newly complex field, “prospect research”. What are the best and most affordable resources for your institution’s needs? How can you maximize the use of what you already have? What quick, new inexpensive techniques are out there that you could easily implement if you only knew how? What can even a skilled researcher not do? Do you still need to read those magazines in your dentist’s office or is everything online?
Conference Presenter
Researching Culturally Diverse Constituents
Association of Professional Researchers for Advancement (APRA) 13th Annual Conference
Anaheim, CA
July 28, 2000, 1:30 – 2:45pm
Michel Hudson, Vice President of Developmental Services, Seton Healthcare Network.
Poonam Prasad, Principal, Prasad Communications & Research.
Ming Zhong, Director, Prospect Research and Management, Tufts University.
Tales from the frontlines: a panel discussion that focuses on the philanthropic sensibilities of culturally diverse communities. Part of the session will include the thoughts of researchers about how the wealth is being created in these constituencies.
Research Track Chair
Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) Fund Raising Day in New York
The Marriott Marquis, New York, NY
June 27, 2000
The Research Track included the following sessions:
Integrating Research Into Your Development Office.
Presented by Ilana Lester, Prospect Research Associate, Amnesty International USA; Diane Crane, Managing Associate, Bentz Whaley Flessner in Minnesota; and Edie Pearson, Manager of Chapters and Service Centers, the American Red Cross of Greater New York.Proactive Prospecting vs. Reactive Research: Which One is Right for Your Organization.
Presented by Jon Thorsen, Director of Development Research, Princeton University, and Michel Hudson, Vice President of Development Services, The Seton Healthcare Network in Texas.The Role of Research in a Major Campaign.
Presented by Christopher J. Hughes, Development Officer for Prospect Research, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, and Lynn Lazar, Director of Philanthropic Research, New Jersey Performing Arts Center.
Conference Presenter
Proactive Donor Research
Girl Scouts of the USA Seminar for Senior Fund Development Professionals
Edith Macy Conference Center, Briarcliff Manor, NY
June 22, 2000, 3:00 – 5:15pm
Breakout Session Presenter
Turning Pro, Proactive That Is!
Mid-Atlantic Research Conference (MARC) for Development Researchers
Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ
June 8, 2000, 3:15pm – 4:30pm
Kevin Bender, Director of Research, Shippensburg University Foundation.
Ilana Lester, Prospect Research Associate, Amnesty International.
Poonam Prasad, President, Prasad Consulting & Research.
Jane A. Price, Director of Development Information, Franklin & Marshall College.
Looking for new prospects? Looking for new ways to find new prospects? A panel of researchers from a variety of settings will outline easily-employed, proactive research projects. Researchers of every stripe will find something to take back to their shops. The session will conclude with an open forum for participants to share additional proactive strategies.